Monday, December 12, 2011

Current Event

Did you hear about the storm in Scotland.


 Storm in Scotland
Author of Article:  Andrew Anderson
Date of Article:  8 December 2011

New words:
Definition: A rending asunder; a bursting apart; forcible separation or division into parts

On December 8 2011 there was a huge storm in Scotland. The storm was very strong reaching the wind speed of 264 km/h (165 mph).The gusts affected Scotland a lot it left 50,000 people without power. The police in Scotland told the people not to travel because of the strong winds .Because of the winds hundreds of schools had to be shut down and they also shut down bridges and roads. England, Wales, and Northern Ireland were also hit by wind and rain.

My thoughts:
I think that those winds are really dangerous. They are very strong and they are causing a lot of homes to be powerless. I am very glad that they did shut down the schools and roads because it would be even more dangerous. I just hope that these type of things stop happening because a lot of the things are causing death of power outage or damage to the city/s.I repeat that I am very glad to live in a city that is currently safe and that not that many bed things are happening to the city I live in and am from.
Police have told people in Scotland not to travel, as winds of up to 165mph (264km/h) affected the country, leaving more than 50,000 people without power.
As the Met Office issued its highest warning, a red alert, hundreds of schools have shut and bridge and road closures are causing disruption.
England, Wales and Northern Ireland were also being hit by wind and rain.
Winds of up to 90mph (144km/h) and possible blizzard conditions are expected in north Scotland into Friday.
The severe weather hit many other parts of the UK, including:

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Current Events

This is my current event

 27 October 2011

Earthquake in Turkey
Source of Article:
Author of Article: Unknown
Date of Article: Unknown

New word: Directorate
Definition: The office or position of a director.
New word: Casualty
Definition:  An accident that causes someone to die
Source of Definition:

On Sunday October 23 2011 a terrible earthquake struck Turkey near the city of Van. The earthquake was very strong, the magnitude of the earthquake was 7.1. According to the Disasters and Emergency Situations Directorate of Turkey (AFAD) unfortunately there were 601 deaths and 4152 injuries .There is  at least around 60,000 people left  without a home. There were a lot of aftershocks hurting and injuring even more.In the city center of Van the aftershock destroyed around 970 buildings in and around the city.At least 100 people were confirmed dead.
My thoughts:
I think that it is terrible that all of these natural disasters are happening. I really wish I can help all the country’s /city’s that the natural disasters happened in because I wish that everybody is always safe. I think that maybe we can organize something like a bake sale and we can make money and give it to red cross or a organization that will help Turkey or any country/city in need .I am really sad for all those people that died and got injured .I am also sad for the families who lost someone who they knew or were very close with.

Current Event

In school we have to write current events and here is one of them.

Lana J

Big Winds in California
Author of Article: Unknown
Date of Article: Sun Dec 4, 2011 8:23 am

New words:
Definition: A publicly owned international news and information company established in London 1851
Defenition: A sudden, strong blast of wind 
On Saturday December 3 2011 in Southern California Edison terrible wind gusts accrued. The wind gusts were at the speeds of 73 miles per hour on top of a mountain nearby Southern California. At high elevations closer to Metropolis the wind speed was in the range of 35 mph which is about 56 kph to 45 mph(about 72 kph ). On Saturday over 100,000 homes and businesses lost power because of the trees that fell down and other damage caused by the wind.
My thoughts:
I think that the winds were really strong and I wouldn’t like to be in the peoples shoes because those winds gusts were very strong they were near the speed of hurricane winds. I feel really bad for the people who lost their electricity. But I am glad that the damage isn’t as bad as it could have been .I noticed that a lot of terrible natural disasters are happening all around the world. I am very lucky that nothing as bad is happening to me and the place I live in that’s why I’m am very glad to be in a place that is currently safe and I hope it will stay safe.